Cancer Update: Happy Birthday to My Little Monster

This week marks a year since I learned I had breast cancer. I didn’t get all the info in one dramatic moment as you see in the movies. No meeting in a doctor’s office with my husband holding my hand and the marquee line, “I’m sorry Mrs. Cameron…it’s cancer…”. Instead, I went for a mammogram, and the nurse came out to tell me I should come back for an ultrasound. Then, I was told in a hallway by a nurse that the doctor saw something that looked like something concerning and I needed a biopsy. I convinced myself that it could still be nothing or next to nothing. Surely, if it was serious, I’d be in that beige office learning about what to do next.

"Keep Looking Forward"
5" x 7”
Oil Acrylic Graphite on Wood

No Doctor called me; no one talked to me before I was thrown into the quagmire that is scheduling follow-up care and testing. Our local hospital can rot for the way they spoke to me, and I’ll never forgive my primary for not even picking up the phone to discuss my results. The first doctor I saw about the Big C was the man performing the needle biopsy, who was stunned that no one had spoken to me about my diagnosis as it was clear to him, even before the biopsy, that I had cancer, and it was just a matter of knowing the details. He called me from his vacation the next day to confirm what everyone saw but was too busy or inept to talk me through. I will be forever grateful to him and Misty, the nurse navigator in his office, who navigated me toward better care!

From that moment on, it has been like falling down the stairs in slow motion as each new treatment begets a new plan, follow-up, side effect, or question to be pondered. I finally have a new primary in a different hospital system, who I am scheduled to see for the first time next week. The bar is low, I just hope he would call me if I had cancer. I have one more surgery next month (hopefully) and then will be left to manage ongoing medications at home (hopefully). I never rang a bell or got the “you’re cured, yay!”. Just sitting here at the bottom of the stairs, feeling battered but ready climb back up. Grateful it wasn’t worse but still reeling from how bad it was.

I’m still processing what it all means, what I’ve learned, and where to go from here. I’m missing huge chunks of my life from 2024. I can’t remember summer, but I know I was here and moving through it. The EOB’s say so.

10" x 10"
Oil Acrylic Graphite on Canvas

So, happy birthday to my little monster. You were growing for longer than I knew you, and traveling with you has been torturous, with dealing with the healthcare system and insurance companies topping the list of indignities. Physical challenges are rough but nothing compared to fighting for care you don’t even want.

If you’re traveling this road, I see you. It sucks.

Click on the images to learn more and purchase work from my Etsy shop and thank you all for the continued love, care, kindness and support!

Cancer Update: Emerging Wobbly

I’ve delayed updates, hoping to provide a definitive picture of my progress. People keep asking how I’m doing, and I keep answering, but I’m not sure I believe what I’m saying at any given time. The most humbling part of this journey is the embarrassment of realizing I barely know or trust this meat suit I’ve been walking around in for 53 years.

I finished radiation, and it wasn’t too bad; 3 out of 10 would not recommend as a spa treatment, but well worth the investment in frying that little cancer demon. I’m okay, and the staff at Sutter in Auburn was amazing. I never really got satisfaction with what happened at the other hospital, mostly because I don’t know what satisfaction looks like in this instance. Maybe I’ll figure it out one day, but I doubt it. I’m only willing to put energy into making something better, and I don’t think I have that power with how the American healthcare system is set up.

Moving forward, I’ve started the medications that I’ll be on for the next 2-5 or maybe 10 years. I’ll also have one more reconstruction surgery in about six months. I am/was stage 3, so I’ll never really be free of worry, and the medications are a real ass-kicker. I don’t want people to worry, but I want them to care. I don’t want to think about it all the time, but I can’t ever forget. The meds are no joke and could have significant side effects until I figure out how to manage them. I’ll get there, but I’m still wobbly.

Crooked Ears Hear Everything
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
8 x 8 

On my walk the other day, I ran into a friend who said, “I don’t know what to say.”  Dude, me either! I barely know what day it is—the various decorations in medical reception areas are the only clues since February. There was a tornado of paper hearts, shamrocks, Easter eggs, and American flags in a haze of blood draws, scans, surgical prep, and painkillers. I’ve been tumbled and deposited in a new normal I barely recognize. Finding myself here on Pumpkin Spice Eve is disconcerting, to say the least. Where did the time go, where did my life go, and what am I supposed to do with all these expensive bras I can’t wear anymore but I’m not quite ready to get rid of? Who am I if I can’t complain about underwire anymore?

These Wings Are Heavy
Mixed Media on Canvas
8" x 10"

I keep putting one foot in front of the other, taking my daily walk, and falling asleep on the sofa. I dreamt a dear friend of mine was so furious with me that she never wanted to speak to me again and cursed my lack of gratitude. I will accept it not as a judgment but as a reminder that there is no way I’ll ever be able to express how grateful I am for the kindness, care, and generosity expressed in word, deed, financial support, memes, and emojis lifting me up these past few months. Those close to me and people I barely know have supported me in ways I didn’t even have the imagination to ask for. The women I have met online while on Planet Cancer have been anchors to sanity 24/7. Every bit of kindness or good wishes sent my way is like a miracle that punctures the haze of disease, snapping the beauty of life into sharp, startling focus.

It’s a trip. I’m grateful you’re here. Thank you again.

Saint Chicken
Mixed Media on Wood 
5" x 5"

I’m finding time to paint. It feels good to be busy at home. Everything shared here and 6-7 other new works will be available online only in The Quirk Show, where collectors bid on Facebook. If you are interested in being tagged when the show goes live, join The Auctions with Stephanie Gago's community and learn more, or reach out on my page, and I’ll add your name to the list.

Or sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll keep you posted without spamming you like I’m running for office.

Everything’s Changed

I get it. I don’t know the right thing to say either. It is all so personal and universal.
It’s weird for me, too!

Everything has changed.
Treat me the same.
But know that I’m different.
We can figure it out together.

The small ones go fast, so follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Etsy if you want to purchase. I plan on painting through the end of the year.

Forgive me for TMI or shutdown, or if I laugh at something offensive, cancel plans or charge ahead and break something with these bull horns. On Planet Cancer, gravity is different, and my right arm is numb.

Don’t worry about offending me. I won’t be shy if I feel I’m owed an apology. I’ll let you know how I’m doing, but don’t ask unless you’re prepared for complicated or confusing answers.  This shit is complicated and confusing.

I’m happy to ignore it too. I talk about it all day with doctors, billing departments, close family, and insurance companies. I have online support from a community that shares my diagnosis and treatment plans. They want to get into the gritty details and are available 24/7. This is one instance where social media fulfills the promise of the internet and a more connected world. It is a miracle I plan to share more about.

I’m more than happy to take a break from Planet Cancer and don’t feel compelled to get everyone up to speed all the time.

“How’s Planet Cancer?”
“It’s a fucking trip.”
“Yeah, I bet.”

I will feel sufficiently checked in on, and you can dive right into whatever is going on with you. Bonus points if you’ve got something juicy going on or the inside scoop on what the hell is going on with the Democratic Party (no hot takes, inside scoop only; I will vet your credentials).

Hang in there, friends.

I’ll do the same.

Cancer Update: Good News, I Don’t Have Prostate Cancer!

After many arduous and agonizing days of research, I have learned one thing for certain: cancer is rude and not entertaining. Doctors and Nurses are at an extreme disadvantage based on how we see them portrayed on TV: all-knowing and fitting neatly in a three-act structure. My kids have taken to watching “House,” and I have to laugh at how fantastical it is. After telling me I’m like an episode of “House” trying to figure out the best course of treatment, I asked if he ever gets it wrong. “Well, someone usually dies, and then he learns where they made a mistake and gets it right.”

 Got it. Enjoy your show.

 Without going into the boring details (rest assured I went deep into the details on this), the majority of Doctors I have discussed my case with recommended no chemo and to focus on the more extreme course of endocrine therapy for 5-10 years with the addition of verzenio for 2 years. It took a great deal of convincing the voices in my head that told me I should buckle down and get chemo. Still, the latest research and thinking for my specific situation is that I should focus on successfully completing the recommended course of pretty big-deal drugs for the foreseeable future and start radiation next week. You can google its side effects, and it isn’t cute or lightweight. Verzenio, while more targeted, can really do a number on a person, so I’ve taken to calling in slow-mo-chemo in my brain (apparently, the voices in my head have their own tumor board; who knew?)

Chemo, in my situation, may show a 3% improvement or may show a -3% poor outcome based on the estimate from Dr. Google and the tumor board in my brain. Basically, they don’t know if it will come back or not, and I need to do what I’ll feel best about if it does. I’m betting on the majority of doctors (with the correct pathology report) I discussed my case with and the latest thinking rather than conventional wisdom. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. If it comes back after chemo, I’d kick myself for not listening to the majority of doctors and delaying the care that has a better chance of working (even if it is relatively new and scary for oncologists steeped in conventional wisdom). If it came back without chemo, I can say I did what was recommended based on what we know now. It isn’t the Doctor’s fault that I don’t have the certainty I want. As I mentioned, cancer is just rude. Doctors are the overworked bouncers escorting these little drunk demons from the premises. It doesn’t have to make sense or be socially acceptable. it usually isnt’t. You do the best you can with what you’ve got and hope it doesn’t come back or barf on you.

Anyway, feeling more confident in my care, I went to a nurse consultation to begin Lupron which basically throws me off a hormonal cliff and puts me in forced menopause.  I discussed it with my prescribing doctor and Dr. Google, so I’m not entirely sure what this extra appointment was about. I suspect it had something to do with a required consult before scheduling. It was quick and reminded me of the box I check when opting out of consultation with the overworked pharmacist.  As mentioned, everyone on Planet Cancer is super nice, and I was quickly escorted back to review and discuss the paperwork provided that clearly explains what Lupron does for prostate cancer.

I was relieved to learn from the nurse that I don’t have prostate cancer, but she couldn’t find a printout about what lupron does for breast cancer. She put her finger over “prostate” twice and explained the side effects, including how it lowers my testosterone.

Hahahahahahahahaha! I signed it anyway.

 I am hesitant to share this story, but this is too shocking and hilarious not to share. At some point, I may tell you about how I recovered from my mastectomy in the maternity ward surrounded by lactation info for new moms. No prop master would have let that slide on “House.”

Being human is such a trip. I can’t imagine working on Planet Cancer and I am extending all the gratitude to those who do. Hopefully, I am only visiting but I will need to make regular trips for a while. If I can share my experience and leave it a little better for the next guest, I will.

My tip for the day is to know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it to the best of your ability, then let the little shit go. Bonus points if you can laugh about it when it happens, but it WILL HAPPEN.

Please, someone who knows where I was, get those poor nurses the correct materials. It seems incredibly unfair to do an overworked office, and if I were a more confused person, it might be dangerous.

Onward, thanks again for all the support.

Here’s some art:

“Queen Bullish”
5” x 7”
Oil, Acrylic Graphite
Available Now $99 Free Shipping

Update 3: Breaking News! No News!

For the past decade or so, I’ve found myself hooked into cable news like being stuck to a live wire. It’s killing me, but I can’t let it go. At various times, I’ll try to wean myself or seek an antidote in talking to other humans or dosing myself with news “from the other side.” We’ve got problems when the baseline of popular TV journalism has a side, but I digress…we are talking about ME and the United Nations of Cancer Cells I’m either hosting or exiling. Like the “Breaking News,” which isn’t really breaking or news but a series of fragments organized for entertainment or edification, I don’t have the final answer or outcome yet; I only have more information and hunches from pundits and experts. Some helpful and some not. I can find any number of experts to support whatever position I prefer. I’m staying the course and awaiting the “key race alert” that will call it.

Here's the update: 

PET Scans looked clear, but I haven’t spoken to the doctor about them yet. Again, Dr. Google was responsive so I’m more than okay with that for now. It’s a win but hasn’t been certified yet.

The Tumor Board (a collection of doctors I suspect meets in a secret lair under the hospital) discussed my case. A nurse navigator called and told me she saw a note that they discussed my cancer and what I should do, but she couldn’t tell me anything about that. Cool, have a great weekend.

United Healthcare denied my claim and decided that a CT scan was unnecessary. I already did that scan, and the information sure felt important, but nah, they aren’t going to pay for it. They’re like the jerk boyfriend of a friend not invited to dinner who squeezes into the booth, asks for an extra glass, sticks his fingers in the hummus and then argues over the bill after all the apps have been shared and wine distributed. I wish I didn’t have to dine with him again, but it looks like we will be vacationing together for a while. We’ll fight it, but “UGH, I get it’s your money but no one wants you here!”

Next week, I have an appointment to start radiation, but I think the secret doctor meeting is probably going to tell me to wait for the third opinion that is pending later this week.

Thank you for the wonderful responses here and in person to my updates. I write this to sort myself out and share information all in one place. If it is helpful or entertaining at all, it is a bonus for my battered morale during a confusing time.

One friend even sent me a replacement sugar jar, so I know she read it carefully and loves me. Guess what? THIS is Breaking News! Literally, here is how it arrived.

Again, I think it means something. Feel the imperfection and embrace the love regardless of outcomes. Sweetness will arrive when it is ready and in surprising ways. The profoundly flawed humanity of every living soul is the true live wire that connects us all regardless of what network we watch. Except for health insurance companies. They can fuck right off.

If you are interested in my art, visit my shop here. My little demon from the previous post is now available, and I’ll be stocking new work when it is finished, hopefully more regularly.

Here is some of the time-lapse of “That Demon is Me” now available here.

Here are some reviews of my shop. It means a lot to have this feedback to share and to know that my paintings found a loving home. Every comment and kudos is appreciated. If you have purchased my work here or on eBay, please review it to help me appease our robot overlords.

Thanks again for letting me share.

Cancer Update 2: Thanks, I Hate It Here!

Welcome to Planet Cancer, where nothing is as it appears, and the unknowable is always seeking to be known. Dear friends, I’m here to report this still sucks, but maybe a little less or more, depending on multiple variables that I have no control over and barely understand.

The good news is that the blankets are warm and everyone seems really nice and wants to be extra kind to me. Unfortunately, that makes me want to cry. See, I told you, nothing is making sense around here.

The latest is:

Yep, you read that right. A typo on the pathology report. That was from my surgeon, who was enjoying a well-earned vacation. I have no idea what else she accomplished this year, but if I could buy her a week at an all-inclusive for her steady hand and clear communication during my treatment, I would. She did follow up with the pathologist. It was a typo.

Based on this typo, that I didn’t know about, Oncologist 1 just looked at the number and signed me up for chemo. He seemed to be reviewing the report for the first time while I was sitting there. I might say “skimmed it”, but that is probably harsher than I actually feel. He was really nice, and it wasn’t his mistake, but yeah. that happened. Hade to share. 

Oncologist 2 (my second opinion because I’m following the rules of this new planet), asked why it was T4 when I didn’t have what T4 meant after reading the actual report. “Ummm…I don’t know, I’m new here. I know not of your ways!” Before I was diagnosed, I only had a vague sense of the new cancer stages that went beyond the 1-4 you see in movies. If you’re interested, you can find more details here.

 Guess which oncologist I went with?

 Regardless of her questions about the pathology, Oncologist 2 still thought I needed chemo at our first meeting. I was ready on Tuesday to get my schedule and get this thing going. I’ve got my brows done, books on chemo read, and a wig fitting on the calendar. I’m ready!

Guess what.

Based on further testing, a corrected report, and a consult with a renowned expert, Oncologist 2 doesn’t think I need chemo. She encouraged me to get another opinion from another renowned expert for peace of mind and put that referral in for me. I'm trying to absorb how a typo of such meaning happened. I don’t think it has fully hit me.


On Planet Cancer, the thrills never stop. This was all before the results of my latest scans. It seems like there could be something, but maybe nothing there, so I get more scans. These are more pricey ones so insurance approval is pending.

My little Demon Toddler is grade 1. Slow but committed based on the size.

My radiology appointment is next week, but I’m unsure if I can move forward with that until after I know what I’m doing with chemo, which will be informed by scans currently in review with United Healthcare. (I’ll keep Doctor names out of this but not insurance companies that delay care.) Round and round we go!

I’m not outraged, even though this all feels outrageous. I’m as concerned as ever, even though it seems like I should be relieved. I’m drowning in medical journals and consulting Dr. Google. I swore I wasn’t going to go into medical details because it is pretty boring to get up to speed on the details, and it puts people I love who are not steeped in information in the dangerous territory of saying the exact wrong thing. For your own safety, please, no hot takes on what you think I should do unless you are a doctor, and you should probably shush if you’re not an oncologist who specializes in lobular breast cancer. It really isn’t good news or bad news; it's just news that yields more questions. Clarity would be the gift.

I also broke my $2 sugar jar that I love today and saw these beauties from my neighbors push through the fence for the first time. I’m not supposed to have a wood fence near the house due to wildfire concerns, but it looks so pretty. I’m not supposed to have sugar or even fake sugar based on the latest studies, but sometimes I need something sweet. It all seems related somehow, balancing a life well-lived with a life lived long in big and small ways. It makes sense to me here on this planet I hope none of you need to visit or revisit any time soon.

I’ll keep you all posted.

If you’d like to read more about the latest on to chemo or not to chemo here is a good article.

The test that says no chemo is an Oncotype approved for tumors smaller than mine. Here is some info on the latest thinking there on size and oncotype.

Cancer Update: Good News, Bad News, No News

First, thank you for the well-wishes, cards, food, art sales, shares, thumbs up, prayers, flowers, high vibes, donations, snacks, check-ins, and general support. Every bit of it was truly received and appreciated. I am still in awe of my community, friends, and family, who showed up with magical precision.

Good news: I’m recovering well from surgery and starting to feel more human. The cancer surgeon (total rock star) got clean margins and scooped 17 lymph nodes from a narrow opening (who knew I had such tricky lymph node placement?). Regular check-ins with the plastic surgeon have been routine, and I am beginning to get used to a new normal-ish.

Bad news: the cancer was more significant than showed on MRI and had made its way to the lymph nodes.

Good news: in only 1 out of 17 nodes.

Bad news: but it was macro and showed up in surrounding areas.

Good news: my bone scans are clear.

Bad news: I will need chemo and radiation and maybe more surgery.

No news: I still need more scans the first week in June and am hopeful they will be clear as well, but it is pending and weighing heavily. Please don’t say, “I’m sure it will be fine,” as you can’t know that, and no one does. There isn’t anything to say to lighten that load, as this journey has been about accepting the news as it comes and hoping for the best. Hold the space for me of not knowing and stay with me there.  That’s the best we can do on that one.

Good news: I’m resolved and ready to make the best of this bullshit. I’m not feeling like a warrior as this cancer was built by my body, and fighting my body doesn’t feel like the right way to go right now. I am visualizing a drunk demon toddler with a gun showing up with a rotten macaroni necklace, “Look what I made for you! I worked so hard on it for all this time in secret! I hid it from everyone!  SURPRISE!”. I need to remind that demon child that I appreciate the effort gently, but it needs to put down the gun and channel the creative efforts into something less hazardous and more helpful. If I kick its ass, then my ass may go with it. It needs a mother, not a warrior. I will hold this image of this confused part of my body, and you’re welcome to do the same. “Good job buddy, now let’s see about how we can put that gun away and who gave you that martini…?!” Once it is gone, we can talk more shit about it or look into reform schools.

abstract figurative painting deep blue woman with horns and imagery reflecting cancer

“That Demon is Me”
8” x 8”
Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Wood

My word for the year is “selve”; it is self as a verb. So far, 2024 has gone above and beyond “hold my beer” and set up a banquet for me in the self-care department. This crazy cancer demon is as much a part of me as anything else. I will constantly look for balance in marveling at creation and hating it enough to save myself. It is a highly personal journey, and I know that sharing it may do some good for my mental health and others. I will try to handle it the way I handle most things, with candor and privacy when required, mainly through art and social media. Please allow the indulgence. General feedback is welcome, and if you are struggling and have questions, feel free to PM me.

I have so many wonderful people who offer to be there to talk about cancer. Please don't take it personally if I don’t feel like talking about it. The odds are almost 100% that it is not something I want to do with my friends. I want to talk about cancer with world-renowned oncologists and those actively treating me. This shit is complicated, takes up a ton of my time, and changes daily. I want to talk about gossip, gardening, reality television, art, politics, movies, food, TikTok humor, thrift store finds, cannabis gummies, empty nesting, shoe sales, makeup, grilling vegetables, fashion, farm fresh eggs, river flows, binging Netflix, new car shopping, bread baking, music and all the other things I love and forgot to mention. I have a great support system of people I talk with about cancer: those who have been there, are currently there, and those who are on the front lines negotiating with my demon child. Getting everyone up to speed on cancer isn’t fun for anyone. I assure you, it will be boring for you and tiring for me. Send dumb memes instead.

 For those who are interested, I have been diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer. It is hormone-positive and HER2-negative. I have been doing yearly mammograms and breast exams since my 30s due to family history. NO ONE felt it, even after the diagnosis and the specialists' examination, still didn’t feel it. NO MACHINE saw the whole picture; mammogram, ultrasound, and MRI didn’t pick up everything happening. I didn’t know about the different ways lobular grows and shows up. I wish I did, so I’m telling you now. Even if you do “everything right” this shit can still happen. If you have a history of breast cancer in your family and/or dense breasts, talk to your doctor about new genetic testing (it is getting more advanced every year) and closer regular screenings. Please get your yearly mammogram and stay on top of every breast twinge and change.

Chemo starts sometime next month. I hear they have made significant progress in managing side effects. I’ll still be Bald AF, though. I’ll keep you posted here.


What Did I Miss?

I feel like that guy who dips out near the end of the first act, returns at the climax, and asks “…What’d I miss?…wait a minute, who’s that? Wasn’t she dead…? ”

Do you too?

The last time I posted here was summer of 2018.

I’m back. You missed a lot. So did I.
Did you know there was a pandemic?

Excuse me as I shake off the crust of this suspended animation goo that has kept me from my fullest expression of art, love, and community.

Let me know how you’re doing too. Shit got weird.
Let’s get back to life together.

Of Mice and Snakes (and Sticks that look like Snakes)

On my walk yesterday I walked right up to a stick, that was actually this!


"How stupid of me", I immediately thought then realized I didn't even know why I felt stupid; for thinking it was a stick, for being alarmed it was a snake, for feeling jumpy walking past it when it clearly didn't want to harm me?

"Either way, I'll keep an eye out when I walk back. Oh look, there it is!"


Nope, just a stick. I felt stupid again for all the same reasons in reverse; for overthinking it, for being too cautious, for not enjoying my walk correctly, for not keeping it breezy, cool, and strong. 

This all-knowing, I am consumed with getting right, that runs like a soundtrack to my life, changing tempo to cue hilarity, peril, passion or the mundane is wildly distracting and I'm trying to understand it better to tamp it down. I'm sure you've surmised by now this got me thinking beyond snakes and sticks.

As the "me too's" roll in and men understand more about how women navigate the world, I'm not sure they realize how consistently women assess situations and turn the responsibility on themselves. Many times, I didn't even understand the situation I was in until it was over and I vowed not to be fooled again. Brave women sharing their stories have liberated me from some of the guilt of not getting it right but not from the reality I live in. If I get hurt or put in danger, I understand someone will eventually say it is partially my fault. That "someone" could even be me accusing myself. Getting it wrong is embarrassing at best and fatal at worst. 

Here's what I found in the parking lot.

"Stupid mouse, never saw it coming." "What's up with whatever killed it? Didn't even eat it?" "It's not about food! It's about Power! "or "Poor mousey!" Maybe some wisdom about nature and the universe? Does it even matter?

"Stupid mouse, never saw it coming." "What's up with whatever killed it? Didn't even eat it?" "It's not about food! It's about Power! "or "Poor mousey!" Maybe some wisdom about nature and the universe? Does it even matter?

So I guess this is a plea for compassion from the "good guys" out there. Please understand, sometimes you look like a snake. I know it isn't your fault but sometimes we get it wrong about you when we are always trying really hard to get it right. It is so hard to know and many of us have been lied to by people who swore we could trust them. If we do read it wrong, taking your "stick-ness" and beating us over the head to prove how much you are not a snake is more painful than avoiding an actual snake. I get that it is frustrating. It is frustrating for us too!  It is a skittish time for a lot of women talking about this for the first time, so anything you can do to help out is truly appreciated. 

I'm ready to let some defenses down and I've felt encouraged by meaningful conversations I've had with men about new understandings they are coming to. I want new understanding too. I think we've been so conditioned not to tell the truth we don't even know how to speak about it properly.

However, I remain hopeful. 




Let's Get Creative

As my newly activated friends and I continue our journey, one theme consistently emerges, "How do we get to a marathon pace?"  Like many others, I've wondered if my engagement is sustainable or a simply a part of a reactive mind trying to heal a broken heart. I've even considered if I might, at one point, "get it over it." as many have suggested I do.

Well I'm not over it and I can say after much rest and perspective, I won't get over it. I don't need to rehash the shock and horror I felt or shed one more tear. I can organize, get out the vote, learn more, engage more and get creative. It helps and it helps me to see others do it too! 

So here are 3 things to stir your creative juices and hopefully inspire you to use what talent you have to express yourself. This isn't a sprint, so it helps to do what you love while making a difference.

New Postcards
This time I included a detail of my own painting, "Miss Get Over It 2017" inspired by...well...I bet you can know that... (Unintelligible.)

As always they are free to download and donations are gladly accepted. The downloadable .pdf works with 4 Tall Postcard stock or Avery product numbers 3263, 33380, 3377, 3380, 3381, 5689, 8383, 8387, 8577.


Episode 2 District One Media Report (Now with a podcast home and bad-ass logo)
Listen Now


New Column
A brand new voice at Broke Ass Stuart. Meri Mohr is one of many new friends I can thank the President  for. I am so happy she is sharing her story here.

I am working on some tips to get you and your community organized and engaged. Kindergarten rules still apply: sharing is good and I'm happy to let you know what we've learned. Stay tuned!

New Postcards and a Donate Button

I have been overwhelmed with requests for the postcards I created this week. I wish I could fill every request and hand deliver each one with a big hug and cup of tea.

That doesn't seem practical though. 

And I'm working on being practical. I'm trying to use my emotions as fuel to create change and spread understanding, not burn out quickly in a fiery show. I know that sounds like some hippy stuff but in simple terms, I need to work, eat, love my family, and still show up in a new role as politically active. I thought I was active before, ha! 

In my effort to find balance I'm including a donate button as people keep generously offering to purchase cards. That doesn't feel right though. I made them with the intent to gift them to my community at a small event for free. I wish I could afford to gift as many as were requested (with the tea and hug too). 

The card designs are fairly simple but it did take me about 5 hours to design them, print them and now upload them. I'd like to continue offering digital designs for free as well as my FB "Today I'm thinking about..." posts that have generated lots of great feedback and discussion.  I do much of it for myself, to figure out where and how an artist, LA transplant via Cleveland and Pittsburgh, mother, wife, friend, writer, fits into the big picture but I've come to understand that sharing my vulnerability helps other people too. 

So until we can meet for tea, I'd be grateful for any donation to help keep me working, thinking, sharing, and painting. My friend, Elisa tells me to be more open to abundance around my gifts.

I will take people asking to give me money as a sign and humbly attach this button. 

To be clear this is not going to any non-profit. It is going to me. If you like what I'm doing, I'll gratefully accept a donation and keep going.

If not, please still enjoy these cards! They are designed  to be printed on card stock 8.5" x 11" or Avery style Postcards 4 to a page. Some will have a back but if you don't have a fancy 2-sided printer I encourage you to just print the front. I bet a friendly local printer could whip some up for you too using the files provided. 

Thanks for letting me share.

This download includes 2 sides with the back addressed to Doug LaMalfa. Feel free to download and only print the front so you can address your own state representative. 

This download includes 2 sides with the back addressed to Doug LaMalfa. Feel free to download and only print the front so you can address your own state representative. 

Word for the Year 2017

My 2016 Word for the Year was "Solo". It was effective and helped me navigate storms I never saw coming.

2017 word is "nuance". 


a subtle difference in colour, meaning, tone, etc; a shade or graduation

verb (transitive; passive

to give subtle differences to: carefully nuanced words.

Word Origin

C18: from French, from nuer to show light and shade, ultimately from Latin nūbēs a cloud

As I scratch to find common ground and purpose at the end of 2016 (a shit show by most standards), my greatest obstacle is binary thinking, absence of nuance. I was lectured quite definitively about "fight or flight" when a gun enthusiast questioned if I had the guts to take a life to protect my own. As a victim of gun violence, I shared the nuance of what actually happens when a gun is at your head. I think we found common ground there and I'm glad for the conversation. 

That conversation eventually hit an impasse but even my progressive friends have left me flat with their own popular "love or fear" world view. I have tried but I can't assimilate that narrow choice and apply to my own emotional state. I wish I could. I'm jealous of the clarity but unable to find inspiration or comfort there. Can't hating something be part of the chiaroscuro of love in action? Can't a person fight something by turning away from it? Shouldn't a person show up to defend what is right in a democracy before 20/20 hindsight makes everything perfectly clear? I owe it to myself and my country to observe the nuance in individual experience; to struggle for deeper understanding before charging ahead.

"Doing it right" is impossible in this clumsy mass of emotions and experience that is "me". I'll say the wrong things and I'll tend to my ugly feelings in ugly ways but I'll try to do better. I suspect other good people feel the same; cowed and quiet or crippled by rage due to impossible choices fomented through media machines, political agenda, familial loyalty, educational bias, sexual urges, parenting anxiety and marketing hacks. I'd like to get to know more about those experiences. I think it will require more face to face time. I know it will require an easily replenished well of forgiveness for myself and others. 

The origins are from the Latin "cloud". I was waiting to find a word that felt more definitive, more clear but that isn't going to happen.  It is my job to find the lines to draw and the edges to soften. It can't be all broad strokes although sometimes they are required.  

2017 I will move forward, embracing the lack of clarity, walk in the clouds, armed only with the confidence that I know the difference between piss on my leg and a soft Spring rain. 

"Miss Get Over It Series" will be on display at The Osborn Woods Gallery at The Miners Foundry starting January 12. 

Miss Get Over It 201718" x 24"Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Canvas

Miss Get Over It 2017
18" x 24"
Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Canvas

Miss Congeniality 201718" x 24"Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Canvas

Miss Congeniality 2017
18" x 24"
Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Canvas

First Runner Up 201718" x 24"Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Canvas

First Runner Up 2017
18" x 24"
Oil, Acrylic, Graphite, Pastel on Canvas